
Strategic Planning

Senior Marketing Director | Bastyr University


As a pioneer in natural medicine, Bastyr University (and its teaching clinics) is a nonprofit, private university at the forefront of developing leaders in natural health arts and sciences. The five-member team I inherited was rudderless for over six months—each person focused only on their areas of responsibility.


Strategically, I created a marketing flywheel to help my team understand and then work together in delivering our Goals. Starting with a Plan, we created a new Brand guide and built engaging Content for the right communication Channels. We then analyzed the results, formed Insights, and updated our Plan—thus continuously refining our marketing strategy.


By guiding the marketing department to align with our university goals and strategies, we improved patient numbers YOY at our teaching clinics by 141%. New operating procedures and initiatives improved results, such as developing new engaging content across digital ads (per the above), videos, landing pages, websites, and social media.

Brand Management

Marketing Director | BDA, Inc.

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BDA, Inc. is a $650 million global B2B advertising agency servicing the Fortune 500 and every major sports league. Before I started working at BDA, I saw inconsistent messaging and conflicting designs. To service iconic brands, BDA itself needed to demonstrate brand integrity.

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Working cross-functionally, I began the process of understanding the company’s heritage, its purpose, and vision. Then, it was about collaborating, honing, and sharing a new brand encompassing the foundation, voice, and look of BDA. Finally, it was about internal adoption.



Once our BDA brand book was completed and distributed, it became our North Star. I uploaded on-brand content (like our Corporate Video) on multiple platforms, communicating a uniformed message. This gave clients confidence we understood branding and how to amplify theirs.


Marketing Director | BDA, Inc.

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For MLB teams, bobblehead promotions can lift game attendance by 15 to 30 percent. In order to compete effectively for new orders, I needed to help communicate our capabilities (i.e. creativity, supply chain, distribution & fulfillment) beyond just features & benefits.

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From client request to game day fulfillment, bobblehead promotions can take anywhere from six to twelve months. To highlight a bobblehead journey, I came up with the idea of following just one bobblehead from artwork to delivery—the DJ LeMahieu bobblehead.



I created multiple pieces of content including the above case study and a Supply Chain Video following the BDA process. The results—besides winning a W3 award for digital excellence—was a 19% YOY order increase. Plus the video helped us target new markets with the NBA & NHL.


Segment Marketing Manager | T-Mobile

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T-Mobile was the fourth largest telecommunications company in the U.S. My main responsibility was promoting their mobile internet products and services. Through research, I learned our consumer market share was only 2.6%. Additionally, B2B sales were slow.

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The good news I found was 45% of our own T-Mobile cellphone users were interested in mobile internet. We had a market in our own backyard. So I developed a plan to encourage T-Mobile’s cellphone customers, who likely had tablets, to purchase data or buy a hot spot.



Working cross-functionally with Creative, Brand, and Go-To-Market, I created CRM campaigns employing email, text, and retargeted banners. Within nine months of campaign start, market share increased 85%. Additionally, I worked with the B2B team to help our sales grow 34%.


Communications Director | Meyer Corporation

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Anolon gourmet cookware, a proprietary brand for Meyer Corporation, was a $50 million business. Unaided awareness of the brand suffered at 7%. My goal was to upgrade our go-to-market beyond sell-in. I needed to support sell-thru and connect the brand to consumers.

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With consumer insight, I re-positioned the brand with a new narrative: Creating A Delicious Future with Anolon. By leveraging several culinary movements such as organic, locally grown, and sustainability, Anolon was seen as a solution provider, not just another cookware brand. 

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Uploaded the new narrative content to multiple elements such as trade shows, in-store merchandising, packaging, POP, planograms, promotions, brochures, sell sheets, product demos, and training videos.  Results: Awareness grew 15%, but more importantly, sales rose 12%.


Communications Director | Meyer Corporation



At Meyer Corporation, leadership directed me to spend the bulk of my multi-million Circulon budget on print. Presented to executive leadership that in order to maintain relevance in a competitive market, we needed to be less dependent on one media platform.

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Upon approval, I pivoted to focus our marketing on a more integrated approach targeting both consumer and trade. Diversified across paid, earned, shared, and owned media to highlight key lines and products including a new innovative product—the Toss & Turn pan.

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By spreading our budget across multiple platforms, I was able to measure which ones harvested the best results including a Circulon TV Spot. Based on 3rd party research, I was able to lift awareness by creating 210 million annual impressions and helping sales grow 11% YOY.

Digital Marketing

Marketing Director | BDA, Inc.

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When I joined BDA Inc. I found our website—which was critical to communicate our value and services—was old and outdated. The colors were off-brand, the messages confusing, and the site had low metrics. Plus, to upgrade the site, I had little budget and no dev team in place.

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First sourced an outside dev team and then built a site map. Worked with our creative services team in designing the template. Subsequently, I wrote content, produced videos, optimized the site, and linked Google Analytics. Launched the website during our annual sales meeting.

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Within a year of launch, users increased 33%, sessions 24%, and page views 189%. Besides winning a W3 award, new clients claimed the site was critical in awarding us a contract. Also, HR said my Recruitment Video was key to enrolling new talent.