
Below are a few testimonials from supervisors and colleagues. To see more, and in greater detail, please visit my LinkedIn page.

“Thank you for being a wonderful colleague!”

- Erin Strong | SVP, Strategic Marketing | BrandMuscle (supervisor)

“Chris has a great depth of experience in marketing, branding, and project leadership. His passion is storytelling—stories that drive customer action.”

- Jeanne Galloway | AES VP | Bastyr University (supervisor)

“What I appreciate most about Chis as a leader, is the special blend of interest, humility, inclusion, and enthusiasm that he wields strategically to drive multi-faceted marketing campaigns from inception to successful completion.”

- Nicole Francois | Marketing Executive | Market Well (colleague)

 "I could count on Chris to prioritize our objectives and lead our team to success. Our relationship was less boss and employee and more collaborative partners. As we developed our strategic initiatives (in support of the corporate goals), Chris and I would brainstorm and figure out new ways to communicate the BDA's value."

Jamie Mair | DVP | BDA, Inc. (supervisor)

"Chris was very conscientious of our outgoing communications and demonstrated a solid work ethic that peers and leadership respected. Over time, I have known Chris to be knowledgeable, articulate, and a real pleasure to work with."

David Bohan | President | BDA, Inc. (supervisor’s supervisor)

"…we worked on award-winning content, new corporate websites, and an asset digital library that immediately proved its worth. He was in my office almost every day, pitching new ideas, white-boarding new projects, or talking about our favorite subject, mountain biking. Together, we made an excellent team."

Dan Mumma | Creative Director | BDA, Inc. (colleague)

"What I liked most about Chris was how​ he made me laugh. He has disarmed, self-deprecating humor that makes talking about our work in telecom fun."

Yomi Uaboi | Sr. Segment Marketing Manager | T-Mobile (supervisor)

"I highly recommend Chris as a senior leader with business acumen across many areas including marketing, brand management, eCommerce, and website development."

Suzanne Murphy | CMO | Meyer Corporation (supervisor)